Uncle Otis UncleOtis
 - 26 Bellair St. (at Yorkville Ave.) Toronto (Canada)

Positioned in the heart of Yorkville, Uncle Otis is the antithesis of everything the neighbourhood represents. No attitude or heavily made up salesgirls here. The cutting-edge men's streetwear boutique was launched in 1991 by Roger O'Donnell, the keyboardist for eyeliner-friendly band the Cure. Several owners later, the shop is in the knowledgeable hands of Donnell Enns. Notice the trippy name coincidence? Enns keeps his shit tight, and the racks reflect it. This is the only store in Canada that sells Costa Mesa, CA-based streetwear line Modern Amusement, the only Canadian among a handful of North American retailers to carry locally designed Equinox Forward, and the first to stock MHI – a spinoff of Maharishi – which features the works of famous street artists. Oh yeah, Uncle Otis is also known to bring in every cool limited-edition or specialty Stussy item you can imagine.(link)
(photo from; hellogeri)